HR Salon

The main goal of this blog is offer a place for dialog, a salon if you will, for all things HR.  Having spent the last 6 months preparing for, and passing the SPHR exam, I am full of ideas, and questions about what the future of HR holds.  I have recently read with interest numerous opinions about HR as a business partner, and can't help but wonder if some out there are expecting too much from HR?  After all, what is the possibility of "moving beyond your title" given the political reality of organizational boundaries.  I know by simply writing that statement, I have already "shown my cards" and invite much retort.  To that I say, excellent!  That is exactly what I hope to accomplish with this venue; a place where all thoughts are heard.  Of course, as with a physical salon, we all need to be respectful of all others, and be open-minded to the possibility that there may be more than our reality to a given problem, issue, opportunity.

So, how about it; where is HR headed, and can we truly be HR business partners given the nature of humans and the structure of organizations?  I look forward to a spirited exchange of ideas about something for which there simply may not be a solution.  

Welcome to the HR Salon

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