HR Salon

Here is a link to a great article I read in the Economist today.  I have been thinking a lot about the term "jobless recovery" lately, and this article got me wondering even more.  If we are indeed into a jobless recovery, what are the ramifications for HR?  If less people are being hired, but the work is picking up, are we expecting more work from a smaller worker population?  If so, how long do we think that can last without burnout, absenteeism, and finally exits?  Also, what about the effect of workers who stay longer than they would otherwise; not moving on to their next place?  Without "new blood" in the organization, don't they begin to loose their edge, that juice that keeps them competitive?  There are lots more HR related questions, so please ask/answer them here.  Please weigh in on what appears to be our new reality.  If you still need convincing, take a look at the graph below, which is one of the graphs the author shows in the article.  Scary, right?

Look forward to your thoughts on this BIG issue.

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