HR Salon

Someone sent me a link to this video last week.  I initially paid little attention to it, as I do with the many similar messages I receive daily.  I did, however, end up loading and watching the video a couple of days later, and am very glad I did.  As I watched the video I realized just how applicable to my work as a trainer this video could be.  My thinking is I can use this video as an indicator of my toughest customers.  I will play the video at the beginning of my training session and note  those who don't laugh; these will be the ones that may have difficulty getting my brand of humor :)  Additionally, I believe this video is a strong reminder of how much wonder we lose as we "grow up".  That message too is a central theme in many of sessions; have a sense of wonder in everything you do, and use that wonder to think outside the box.  Doing this, I believe, will bring a renewed sense of excitement to what you do with your life; personally and professionally.  Enjoy.

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